About Us

Why Choose ClassifiedAdvertz?

There are no limitations to the types of ads you post in our various categories including Classic Adz, Digital Adz, Affiliate Adz, Travel Adz or Marketplace Adz. The choice is yours!

Our Story

ClassifiedAdvertz.com has created a platform that is truly unique by providing our visitors a different user experience. Our aesthetic and functionality is deliberate and very reminiscent of a Netflix, Hulu, Showtime or Amazon Prime interface. In many ways the feature item is on full display and provides a brief overview of the product, business or service in the form of a video and will redirect our Visitors to your platform and redirects to the advertiser’s site if they are interested in making a purchase. Our platform is packaged to enhance the buying and selling experience of our users and we believe that they will love the way we raised the bar and created the new standard in the world of ecommerce as well as affiliate marketing. Our members are in full control of their advertising presentation from video, to text, and imaging. No other platform provides this level of flexibility and control to display and promote your business and maximize your exposure. Our traffic is directed to our platform via social media, native advertising, direct mail, as well as traditional advertising methods, saving you significant dollars as a ClassifiedAdvertz.com member. There are no limitations to the types of ads you post in our various categories including Classic Adz, Digital Adz, Affiliate Adz, Travel Adz or Marketplace Adz. The choice is yours!

Our Story



Premium Adz


Classic Adz


Scrolling Adz


Digital Adz


Affiliates Adz


Marketplace Adz


Popup Video Adz


Travel Adz


ClassifiedAdvertz is the new advertising hack; it’s the best resource for businesses, entrepreneur’s or anyone looking for a work around to high advertising cost. The platform serves a conduit to advertising portals that would exhaust your ad budget should you try all those options yourself. With ClassifiedAdvertz your ad rates will never change and your options to promote your wares or business can be viewed as a video, image and text.

ClassifiedAdvertz is the first of its type that presents business in the form of a streaming format. You as a member can place your own ads via your dashboard and access all features. No other platform offers this type of delivery system.

You can join as a member for free and can advertise for free, however your options are limited. Upgraded levels pay a one-time annual fee and a monthly fee after, no other fees are to be paid for ads. Should you choose to ad special affects to draw attention to your placement i.e. bold, highlighted or hyperlinks,etc., there are separate fees.

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